
Covering and Confronting the Far Right

02/06 Thursday | 6pm

You can watch the event here.


The Global New Right Working Group at NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge invites you to join a discussion about current challenges journalists face with Hannah Gais, Noor Al-Sibai, Talia Lavin moderated by A.J. Bauer.

The Trump era poses many new challenges for journalists — from navigating “alternative facts,” to confronting allegations of “fake news,” to coping with increasing threats of physical harm. These challenges are exacerbated for journalists who find themselves on the front lines, reporting on white supremacist and misogynist activists who’ve been emboldened by Trump’s rhetoric and policies. This roundtable puts into conversation journalists who specialize in covering and confronting far-right activism, both online and IRL. The discussion will focus on the reporting practices, challenges, and rewards of this politically fraught newswork.

Hannah Gais (she/her) a senior research analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center, where she focuses broadly on white nationalism and white supremacy. She is also a journalist with bylines in Splinter, New Republic, Jewish Currents, and is a frequent contributor to The Baffler. She is a recent graduate of Harvard Divinity School (Master of Theological Studies, 2019), where she focused on nationalism and Eastern Orthodoxy in late- and post-Soviet Russia.

Noor Al-Sibai (they/them) is a journalist, critic and social media manager. They’ve worked at Truthdig, Raw Story and Bustle writing and researching stories about hate groups, feminism, police brutality, electoral politics, cultural criticism and everything in-between.

Talia Lavin (she/her) is a writer and researcher based in Brooklyn. Her forthcoming book, Culture Warlords (Hachette, 2020), focuses on the online far-right.

A.J. Bauer (he/him) is a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU and is a fellow at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University. He is co-editor of News on the Right (Oxford 2019) and his work on right-wing media and conservative news has appeared in American JournalismColumbia Journalism ReviewThe Guardian, and TV Guide.

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