
CANCELLED: RAPS Talk | The Legal Case for Reparations

03/26 Monday | 12pm

EVENT CANCELLED The Race and Public Space (RAPS) Working Group at NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge invites you to join for a discussion of Sir Hilary Beckles’ Britain’s Black Debt: Reparations for Slavery and Native Genocide, while discussing his role in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Reparations Commission’s lawsuit against European nations involved with colonial slavery. This event is…

Book Launch

Book Talk | Misdemeanorland

03/19 Monday | 6pm

NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge invites you to join for the launch of Issa Kohler-Hausmann’s Misdemeanorland: Criminal Courts and Social Control in an Age of Broken Windows Policing. The author will be present in conversation with Gabriel Sayegh and Paul Butler. Following the talk, the book will be available for sale, accompanied by a signing from the author….


RAPS Talk | Reparations for All?

03/19 Monday | 12pm

The Race and Public Space (RAPS) Working Group at NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge invites you to join for a conversation between Michael Ralph and Haben Abraha about the prospect of reparations for all US taxpayers based on Robert Meister’s insight that the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, or “2008 Bailout,” constitutes an act of extortion that demands…

Book Launch

CANCELLED – OIKOS Book Launch | Divining Desire

03/07 Wednesday | 6pm

UPDATE: Due to the predicted snow accumulation, NYU’s New York campus will close early today. This event is cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date. The OIKOS Working Group at NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge invites you to join for the launch of Liza Featherstone’s Divining Desire: Focus Groups and the Culture of Consultation (OR…


RAPS Talk | Reparative Seizure in the Jamaican Lotto Scam

03/05 Monday | 12pm

The Race and Public Space (RAPS) Working Group at NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge invites you to join for a lecture by Jovan Scott Lewis about how disadvantaged black youth in Jamaica engaged in the practice of international “lottery scamming” mobilize a reparative logic. This event is part of the working group’s Reparations Project, a project which explores the…


RAPS Workshop | Black History Month Transcribe-A-Thon

02/27 Tuesday | 9am

In honor of Black History Month, join the Race and Public Space Working Group of the Institute for Public Knowledge for a 12 hour transcribing marathon to help the Boston Public Library turn their collection of handwritten correspondence between 19th century anti-slavery activists into texts that can be more easily read and researched. Can’t make it?…


RAPS Talk | The Price of Life

02/26 Monday | 12pm

The Race and Public Space (RAPS) Working Group at NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge invites you to join for a conversation with Michael Ralph about the financial institutions that made millions of dollars from insuring slaves during the antebellum period. This is the second event of the working group’s Reparations Project, a project which explores the prospect of reparations…

Book Launch

Book Talk | Bit by Bit

02/21 Wednesday | 6pm

NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge invites you to join for a book talk on Matthew Salganik’s new book Bit by Bit: Social Research in the Digital Age, featuring the author in conversation with Duncan Watts and Beth Noveck. In just the past several years, we have witnessed the birth and rapid spread of social media, mobile…

Book Launch

Book Talk | The Beneficiary

01/29 Monday | 6pm

NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge invites you to join for a book talk on Bruce Robbin’s new book The Beneficiary, featuring the author in conversation with Daniel Aldana Cohen and Rachel Sherman. From iPhones and clothing to jewelry and food, the products those of us in the developed world consume and enjoy exist only through the…


Discussion | The Case for Reparations

01/29 Monday | 12pm

The Race and Public Space (RAPS) Working Group at NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge invites you to join for a conversation with Westenley Alcenat about his 2017 Jacobin article about the prospect of reparations for Haiti along with a discussion of the related argument Ta-Nehisi Coates makes in his influential 2014 Atlantic article. This is the inaugural…

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